Lubuskie and National

Military Qualification Begins in Lubuskie

The annual military qualification process has begun in Lubuskie Province, starting with Gorzów, Żagań, and Krosno counties. By the end of April, 14 district medical commissions will assess over 6,000 young people across the region.

Who Is Required to Attend?

This year, the call applies mainly to 19-year-old men and older individuals who have not yet received a fitness classification. It also includes those previously deemed temporarily unfit, women with relevant military-related skills, and volunteers.

Not an Enlistment Process

Military qualification is not the same as conscription; it evaluates fitness for service and helps authorities assess national defense potential. With the current geopolitical climate, authorities stress the importance of knowing available military resources.

Health Assessments

Candidates undergo medical examinations, including blood pressure checks, weight and height measurements, and evaluations of vision, hearing, and posture. Based on the results, they are classified as fit, temporarily unfit, or permanently unfit for service. Those classified as fully fit may later join voluntary or professional military service.

Military as a Career?

While some see the army as a viable career path, many young people remain undecided, prioritizing other professions unless a crisis demands their service.


source: Gazeta Lubuska