Zielona Góra to close Schools & Universities to fight Coronavirus COVID-19 spreading
Coronavirus COVID-19 is not a flu, the normalcy bias led to the entire lock-down of Italy.
In Poland alarming cases in the last 24h have led to the decision to consider closing schools and universities and shutting down the educational system to weather this storm.
Large gathering have been banned in Poland, and medical teams have been posted on the country borders to detect travelers temperatures, especially those using buses for transport.
Recently in Poznan, a case was discovered, that might have been infected 12 days ago !!!
Today next to AldeMed, 2 ambulances were parked! coincidence ? i don’t know ?
In Zielona Góra, in a facebook post announced that they will hold an emergency meeting to take a decision regarding the further functioning of educational institutions in the city of Zielona Góra. In other words, educational institutions are likely to be closed till the situation is under control.
Here’s the original post:
Kochani z dużą uwaga czytam co piszecie, wszystkie Wasze opinie są ważne i istotne. Widać w nich dużo obaw i niepokoju, dotyczy on w szczególności zdrowia dzieci. Dlatego biorąc pod uwagę ten fakt oraz szybko rosnącą liczbę zarażeń, postanowiłem zwołać na środę zespół kryzysowy. Podejmie on decyzję dotyczącą dalszego funkcjonowania placówek oświatowych w mieście Zielona Góra. A jakie jest Wasze zdanie?